
Guidelines for Hunting Deer in Rut

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Guidelines for Hunting Deer in Rut

Come to September the big deer begin to emit their characteristic roars indicating the beginning of the bellowing; a time longed for by many to get great trophies. Jose Luis Torio gives us some clues to face these stalks.

The exact date on which the rutting occurs differs from one year to the next; In general, it usually takes place a week before autumn officially enters, as it happens with its duration and intensity, which is unpredictable.

Even in a single day, it may happen that after a morning of great intensity, in the afternoon the mountain may become mute and vice versa.

Consequently, it is difficult to indicate on the calendar a reference date for the start of the call; although we could locate it, approximately, and always depending on the climatology and the latitude where we are, from the beginning of September until the beginning of October.

Leaving aside the influence of the advance or delay of autumn rains, the provision of supplementary food, the restoration of natural water points or the installation of artificial points, the influence of these actions are decisive for both the start date and the start date. Face the own intensity of the bellowing.

Keep in mind that in a well-managed preserve, in which the supply of food and water has been constant throughout the summer, the bellow will always be assured; on the contrary, in those properties where improvements are not made, the bellow will always be less.

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The Parallelism Between the Hunting of Roe Deer and Deer in Rutting

More and bigger game enthusiasts are attracted to deer hunting during their zeal. Most are real lovers of stalking hunting deer, which now begin to share both hobbies, something that is seen in the strong demand that has experienced this modality in a few years venatoria.

And it is that courses and amateurs to the bellowing of the cervuno seek, even above to knock down a good trophy, the intimate sensation of feeling immersed in nature and being able to research without any kind of pressure.

Without entering into direct considerations or subjective evaluations between the virtues and differences that exist between the hunt of the deer and the stag to stalking, we would immediately say that the deer during the time of love affairs, although it seems obvious, we discover them by their bellows and the roe deer through the binoculars.

From there, before playing the game, the first thing the hunter must do immediately after reaching the hunt is to dedicate time to the mountain, sharpen the ear.

Once located one or several males howl around, elucidate which is the best option, which, of course, will always be that of the animal with unfavorable wind, to avoid being discovered.

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Approaching Without Being Discovered by Females

Before continuing, I would like to point out that the approach is not as easy as you sometimes hear it said. We agree that the deer during this stage of maximum excitement is notorious physical depletion suffered by some of its most important senses, such as hearing, sight, and smell, due to overexertion that involves mating with females and the struggles with the congeners.

This does not mean that hinds also lower their guard; What’s more, the real danger of being discovered lies in them, which always put all the senses in a state of maximum alert, ready to give the alarm at the slightest sign of danger.

That is why it is important to always keep in mind that, during the approaching task, the real difficulty with which we are going to come up with when playing the game will not be the males, but the female alcahuetas, who never stop monitoring or move around his suitor.

Guidelines for Hunting Deer in Rut

On the Way, Deer Howl

The phoneme that we know as bellowing is the consequence of a guttural sound that is produced through the elongation of the vocal tract and the descent of the larynx, a function that allows the deer to modulate different tone frequencies, as well as shortening or prolonging the duration of the bellowing.

The reason why nature has given the deer to throw these roars in the air is not to fulfill a challenging function, but rather is a defensive mechanism used to discourage the presumptive opponents and avoid, as far as possible, the fights Fratricides among the best-endowed specimens.

Spinning with the previous paragraph, there is a point where not everyone agrees: the widespread belief that the duration of the wailing, its frequency and, above all, its more or less serious tone indicate the power of the animal that it emits them.

Well, not respecting all the opinions, on this matter we disagree, and it is that more than once we have made a mistake when valuing an animal for its howls, in some cases for excess and in others it has been by default.

The truth is that we have rarely guessed correctly when evaluating these sounds. Therefore, we are of the opinion that only the previous control of the cattle is the one that helps us to value the presumed size of an animal.

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Which Places Are the Most Querulous?

So far we have dealt with the hunting of the deer in rutting by the so-called traditional stalking, and I must say that during this time of the year poses many drawbacks.

The terrain, except for some unforeseen storm or shower, is scorched by the heat, and under these conditions, it is impossible to walk without giving away our presence.

Therefore, when the mountain becomes a sounding board, our advice is to look for a quiet place to sit quietly waiting.

If the target is a good deer when we are at rest, never look for your picks and trodden paths that show the wanderings of the males; better look for those places where females usually approach.

Apart from the feedlots, salt balls and the usual water points, there are other specific places, known as “plazas or picaderos.” It is about open sands of vegetation where the deer come regularly during the rutting, resulting also to be strategic places to wait for them.